The following content displays a map of the jobs location - The Vicarage 92 Swaynes Lane Comberton Cambs

Incumbent (Team Rector) for the Lordsbridge Team

Vacancy Reference cofe/TP/72831/7274

The job has expired.

Number of Positions:
Contract Type:
Office Holder
The Vicarage 92 Swaynes Lane Comberton Cambs
Closing Date:
Vacancy Category:
Administration and Business Support
Business Unit:
Diocese of Ely
Organizational Unit:
Diocesan Established Post


The parishes of Barton, Caldecote, Comberton, Coton, Dry Drayton,  Gt Eversden, Lt Eversden, Hardwick, Harlton, Haslingfield, Toft

The Lordsbridge Team of Churches is a network of worshipping communities, spread over 11 villages, in an area of about 9 by 5 miles west of Cambridge, served by a team of four incumbent-status clergy and approximately 12 active assistant clergy and LLMs.  The work and witness in the parishes is held together and made possible across multiple communities by the framework provided by the Team. 
Each of the incumbent clergy in the team has responsibility for a particular geographical area so that each village knows who its vicar is.  Each also takes the lead in specific ministries and projects across the whole benefice, sharing leadership across the network of more than 17 worshipping communities. Eleven of these are congregations worshipping in a more or less traditional way in our ancient parish churches while other forms of worship include a gathering for seniors, toddler church, a youth service, Café Church, Wild Church and Forest Church.   A regular online congregation uses Zoom and other online worship resources, and other approaches to prayer and worship are developed as opportunities arise.

The Team exists to support and enable the mission and ministry of the parishes, principally through:
  • Praying and Partying Together, creating opportunities to celebrate and pray together and to build relationships. 
  • Enabling Collaboration and Partnership, through helping volunteers and church officers collaborate and support one another, sharing of ideas and resources across the Benefice;
  • Providing Support for our Parishes, through the work of our Team Administrator.
  • Creating Support for the Lead Ministers, through weekly ‘Core’ meetings.
(Comberton Rectory is a spacious four-bedroom home, within walking distance of the church and all other village amenities.  Nearby Cambridge is accessible by bus.)

The full benefice profile will help you to decide whether God is calling you to be Team Rector of the Lordsbridge Team. This post will provide exciting opportunities for someone who is committed to rural and semi-rural ministry and wishes to work collaboratively with a wide range of colleagues and communities.  We are looking for an experienced priest who has proven leadership skills, a creative approach to growing the kingdom of God in this area, and a sense of fun!  The Team Rector will also be the parish priest of at least two of the Lordsbridge parishes.

If you want to know more, then please get in touch with the Archdeacon of Cambridge, The Ven. Dr Alex Hughes on 07548 529536 or
 Download the Benefice Profile and application form below. Please note that applications must be submitted by email to

 Closing Date: midday Friday, 29 November 2024
 Interviews: Tuesday, 14 January 2025 

 Full details at https://www. 

Safer Recruitment in the Diocese of Ely

The Diocese of Ely is committed to safer recruitment practices for people working or volunteering with children and adults and therefore this position is subject to an enhanced disclosure from the DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service).

A Diverse and Inclusive Workforce 

The Diocese of Ely is committed to creating and sustaining a diverse and inclusive workforce which represents our context and wider community. We are aware that those of Global Majority Heritage/United Kingdom Minority Ethnic (GMH/UKME), women, and disabled people are currently under-represented among our clergy and workforce, and we particularly encourage applications from those with the relevant skills and experience that will increase this representation. 

 Our Diocese:
 The Diocese of Ely stretches from Cambridge to Peterborough and out towards the coastal areas of West Norfolk. It houses 3/4 million people, which will rise to 1 million in the next 15 years. This area buzzes with energy from the academic, business and medical excellence of Cambridge University to the rich agricultural areas of Huntingdon, Fenland and Norfolk. 
 Despite the presence of a world leading university, Cambridgeshire is not all affluent. Towns and cities have pockets of poverty and low attainment. Rural areas can be isolated and insular. The churches are strong in some places, but there is much work to be done. 
 The Diocese of Ely is a good place to live and work: stable finances, good housing, inclusive and warm hearted bishops, coupled with a rich diversity of benefices in all traditions make this a place that clergy stay once they have discovered us. We have just over 100 incumbent status clergy, with a strong Diocesan team, and a real emphasis on lay development and training. 
 The Diocese is currently in vacancy but remains on a steady course as we seek to appoint our next Diocesan Bishop. Our Mission Strategy, Ely 2025, devolves much decision making to the parishes, benefices and deaneries, so that clergy are able to innovate, take risks and build alliances for the sake of the Kingdom of God and the good of our communities. We welcome applications from clergy who are prepared to work collaboratively and faithfully. We will enable you to flourish and grow in ministry, whilst maintaining a sensible work life balance.  

Attached documents: